Effektiviteten til modne ledergrupper
Et effektivt lederteam kan produsere noe av høy kvalitet for sine interessenter, samtidig som det tar felles ansvar for et sunt og stimulerende arbeidsmiljø. De kan absorbere ny læring og holde seg robuste i miljøer som står overfor endringer eller utfordringer.
Mise en place is a French term that refers to having everything in its place. In gastronomy, this means that all ingredients, utensils, and other necessary items are prepared and organized for the chef to begin cooking.
[mi zɑ̃ ˈplas] (Here as & Boost Advisory) both have extensive experience in restaurant and chain management in Norway and the Nordics. Positions include waiter, bartender, shift manager, general manager, HR, CEO, and boardmembership.
We are hands-on and focused on delivering tangible results.
The potential lies in the margins. We have walked in these bustling shoes, achieving results over time, and we have had quite some lovely co-worker and customer meetings as well.
To foster growth in struggling industries, love, clarity, systematicity, structure, simplicity, and training are essential. It requires both rational thinking and empathy.
Coordinated and safe managers, along with well-trained employees, are crucial for the customer experience and sustainable results. We prioritize the HOW and provide systematic training until new behaviors are established, ensuring a solid balance between operations and human resources.